Fat Guy Wears Mystic Wolf Shirt’s new album Dys/Closure is now streaming and available for pre-order.

Their style combines angular, dissonant guitar chords with sharp, precise drumming and scorching mid-range vocals — a mix of early Dillinger Escape Plan, Ed Gein, Orchid, Pig Destroyer, Botch and Cursed.

[wp_bandcamp_player type=”album” id=”2330688243″ size=”grande” bg_color=”#303030″ link_color=”#4285BB”]

Fat Guy Wears Mystic Wolf Shirt - Dys/Closure

Fat Guy Wears Mystic Wolf Shirt – Dys/Closure

Fat Guy Wears Mystic Wolf Shirt are an energetic, frenetic, punk/grind trio from the New South Wales coast.

Like the release before it, Dys/Closure is a piece cathartic emotional release – at times frenzied and chaotic, at others resigned and reflective. It is the sound of life’s discord; a scream hurled towards the void; a process of cleansing and rebirth.

The album will see release on 15 April 2013 through Art As Catharsis Records.

Go and check it out.

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