Bear The Mammoth – ‘Known Unknowns’

‘Known Unknowns’, the first single from Bear The Mammoth’s highly anticipated second album, ‘Years Under Glass’.

Bear The Mammoth’s dreamy production and drifting progressions have earned them fair comparisons to the likes of Mogwai, sleepmakeswaves, Explosions in the Sky, Sigur Rós and Bossk. Their sound boasts a level of polish that easily matches, even surpasses, their post-rock contemporaries in both the national and international scene. Since their first EP in 2012, the band have since supported progressive and metal artists such as Anathema, We Lost The Sea, Jakob, Closure In Moscow and countless others, only proving this point further.

“I think musically we are older, wiser and have a much more open mindset with music and what it can be,” says guitarist James Kershaw on writing Years Under Glass. “Everyone’s music taste has evolved and gone off into a variety of genres. We’ve also had an obsession with trying different effect pedals and equipment. When we experiment with our pedals and create some different sounds in a jam, we’re trying to find something that stands out. Sometimes we’ll get a reaction of a shock or surprise from other band members – if this happens, we know we’re making the right sounds.”

The album’s first single, Known Unknowns, is a journey within itself. Riddled with floating riffs and subtle undercurrents, the song slowly flows into a triumphant crescendo before sliding into a more straightforward riff-driven jam. All in all, the song stands as a perfect example of the album’s strengths – shifting moods, rich textures and breathing room for each instrument to shine.

“I would say the biggest lesson we learnt since our first album, Yamadori, was to take our time with the whole process,” says Kershaw. “On Years Under Glass, we took our time to really nail it.  Hopefully people will hear that through when listening. We recorded Years Under Glass the same way as Yamadori; live to tape with Nao Anzai behind the desk. We also think changing studios to Head Gap has brought out the feel and tones we were after.

Over the course of Years Under Glass, Bear The Mammoth sets more than just a few elaborate musical soundscapes. Militant drumming patterns, howling, cold riffs and warm bass lines create something both weightless as a cloud, yet as grounded as an earthquake. Wrapped up with a flawless, crisp level of production and instrumental polish, Years Under Glass has the makings of a post-prog classic from start to finish.

Bear The Mammoth’s new single ‘Known Unknowns’ is out now.
Their new record ‘Years Under Glass’ sees releases on Art As Catharsis on 5 October 2018.

Bear The Mammoth - Years Under Glass

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